For its Wholesale Carrier Network, AWN intends to use commercial aircraft as “mini-satellites”. The company’s primary target customer-base will be worldwide data and communications service providers.
Airborne Wireless Network is developing a fully meshed network, while current technologies only allow for a “single path” solution.
What is the difference between single path and fully meshed networks?
President & CEO
30 years of experience as a successful real estate investor. B.A. in Business Administration from Oakland University in Michigan.
VP Buisness Development and Compliance
Career aviation professional. 7000 flight hours as airline Captain. Certified Airline Transport Pilot and Flight Instructor. Manage compliance with FAA, TSA, NTSB and FCC.
VP Industry Relations
35 years of experience in business development. 24 years with Tyco Electronics in aerospace and defense. Background in airborne inflight entertainment and networking. Connect ABWN to the Airline customers and partners.
VP Technical Affairs and Development
Instrumental part of the team that developed the first FAA approved airborne in-cabin wireless commercial telephone system Airfone, later called GTE Airfone. Has an extensive background in worldwide telecommunications to assure the deployment of the Infinitus system.
Chairman ABWN Advisory Board
Co-founded Packard Bell Computers. Grew company from concept to 50% of the retail PC market with $3 billion in revenue. 8,000 retail outlets - 120 countries worldwide.
Certified FAA Designated Engineering Representative (DER). Experienced airframe manufacturer experience with Boeing, McDonnell Douglas, and Airbus Industries.
Airborne Equipment Manufacturing Partner
CDI (Concept Development, Inc.) is a California based company that designs and manufactures products for many well-known aerospace companies. Specializes in In-Flight Entertainment Systems
Aircraft System Design and Installation Partner
IFC (In-Flight Canada) is Canada-based company that designs and manufactures products for well-known aerospace companies.
FAA Test-Aircraft Partner
JMW (Jet Midwest Group) refurbishes, resells or re-leases aircraft to well-known airlines around the world.
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